Hi all, sorry this has taken so long we have been a little busy of late with domestic duties etc. but here are a few of the other inverts we saw on our Hartland Moor walk.
Ammophila sabulosa Sand Wasp ©Nick Hull |
The Dorset heathland have both species of sand wasp but Ammophila sabulosa is the commonest of the two they are fairly difficult to tell apart but A.sabulosa tend to be larger and have a bluish sheen to the black segment at the end of the abdomen which you can just make out on this shot. They are a parasitic wasp which predates on moth larvae which it stocks it's burrows before sealing up the burrow. When her hatch the young then feed on the caterpillars. The adult will often return and check to see if more food is required at a later date.
Bee Wolf - Philanthus triangulum © Nick Hull |
This is another species that burrows into firm sanding soils and it specialises in Honey Bees which it paralyses and stock several cells in her burrow and the covers in the burrow entrance They were formerly rare but in recent years have expanded their range and are becoming quite common around areas that have suitable habitat for them.
Ruby-tailed Wasp - Chrysididae Cuckoo Wasp species ©Nick Hull |
We also saw one or two Jewel or Ruby-tailed Wasps the above photograph was of one I found in our conservatory there is quite a large number of species in this group and they need microscoptic examination of the genitalia to get to individual species. There are others which can be identified from good photographs but still pretty tricky.
These are parasitic also but they lay their eggs in various other digger wasp species burrows, it often helps to identify the host species burrow which indicates which is the likely ruby-tail species. For example if the ruby-tailed pictured was Hedychrum niemelia its host would be Cerceris digger wasps. If it should be Chrysis ignita its host species would be Wood nesting Mason Wasps.
In the last blog I posted a little about the Purbeck Mason Wasp and during our walk I mentioned that they feed by taking the nectar from the heather flowers but because they have short tongues they short cut by snipping through the side of the flower. Whilst out surveying after our walk I came across some heather where they had been feeding and took a couple of shots to show what I was describing.
Snipped out base of heather flowers to enable access to the nectar by the Purbeck Mason Wasp |
To finish today's blog one of the last we came across, digging a burrow then found a few feeding, was a bee with big yellow baskets on the hind legs. I tentatively identified it as Pantaloop Bee, having not seen a female of the species before, just a male in our garden and that was only for the first time this year. So I took a few photographs and checked the id at home and indeed they were Dasypoda hirtipes the Pantaloon Bee named for obvious reasons.
Female Pantaloon Bee - Dasypoda hirtipes © Nick Hull |
The next blog will be the August bird and wildlife highlights.