Over the last few days Jackie and I have made good use of the few hours that we had spare to go in search of butterflies. Our first target species was Pearl-bordered Fritillary, a pretty scarce butterfly and we heard they were on the wing in the New Forest. We parked at the Standing Hat parking area and just took a walk around the forestry with mixed beech woodland and down various rides. It didn't take too long to see our first one then two. But it was another matter getting a photograph however with patience I managed a few exceptable shots.
Upperside of Pearl-bordered Fritillary - New Forest © Nick Hull |
Underside of a Pearl-bordered Fritillary - New Forest © Nick Hull |
Yesterday we decided it was going to be the best day to go butterflying and headed to Martin Down but as it was windy and cool so we decided to pop into Salisbury to make a few purchases ready for our forthcoming holiday. Which worked out very well because it had warmed up by the time we had returned to Martin Down car park. Immediately Jackie spotted a Dingy Skipper right by the car.
Dingy Skipper Martin Down © Nick Hull |
As the wind was still fairly blowy we decided to search out the sheltered spots along the Bockerley Dyke and this paid dividends with excellent views of Marsh Fritillary, a rare butterfly here and we found four along with Grizzled Skipper. A few Brown Argus appeared and one sat next to Silver Y moth. Then Jackie flushed a Small Heath from the long grass. We were on a roll only Green Hairstreak to go. We went to the area behind the old rifle range and it didn't take long before a Green Hairstreak flew by us and landed in one of the bushes close by.
Grizzled Skipper Martin Down © Nick Hull |
Marsh Fritillary Martin Down © Nick Hull |
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