Our group met at the Ham Wall RSPB reserve car park bright and early yesterday (Sunday 3rd July) and the sun was shining and the birds singing. Just in the car park we had some great birds with Song Thrush, Blackcap, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Goldfinch, Reed Bunting and Whitethroat. We can also add in a Great White Egret, Cormorant and Grey Heron flying over and a Kestrel landed on a telephone pole in the car park, a brilliant start.
Song Thrush - Ham Wall Car Park © Nick Hull |
From the main footpath looking down the canal and embankment were Moorhen, Coot, Mute Swans and Mallard. An adult male Marsh Harrier came across and landed on the newly mown embankment, he didn't linger long before taking off briefly quartering the next field then landing low on a dead tree. A female then appeared and was quartering in the same area.
The trees and bushes next to us seemed to come alive with several small birds with a male Bullfinch, Willow Warbler and Wren. Our attention though was with a family of Garden Warblers, with one of the juveniles sat out on an open branch waiting for its attentive parents to feed it, a real delight to stand and watch. Cetti's Warbler gave out its strident loud song, the first of many of our walk and sometimes we caught a glimpse of this shy bird.
Juvenile Great Crested Grebe - Ham Wall © Nick Hull |
From the first platform and down to theTor View Hide, stopping at the screens as we went, looking over the reedbeds and open pools. Hearing the "whinnying" calls of the Little Grebes and eventually one did pop up giving a clear view, but the Great Crested Grebes were much more showy with several pairs. Some were still sitting on nests, some were carried their stripy young on their backs still while others had well grown young. Though dominated by Mallard we also had Gadwall, Shoveler and the Tufted Ducks had very small fluffy young. Reed Warblers in the reeds and on top male Reed Buntings singing trying "out sing" each other. At the Tor View Hide a Bittern sat out on the edge of the reeds flying before we could get the scope on it but we had many flights views during the day. Back on the main path we stopped and listened to a distant Cuckoo, we were surprised to add to our list today.
Brown Hawker Dragonfly- Shapwick © Nick Hull |
Deciding to go on to the Avalon Hide we walked on, it was not all birds with Blue-tailed Damselflies, Variable Damselfly, Common Darter, Black-tailed Skimmer, Brown Hawker and Hairy Dragonfly. Butterflies included Small White, Red Admiral and Green-veined White and the gorgeous Scarlet Tiger a day flying moth. From the Avalon Hide more views of Marsh Harriers including a couple of young ones, Bittern and a pair of Mute Swans with six young cygnets and a single Pochard.
Scarlet Tiger Moth - Ham Wall © Nick Hull |
From the Lower Platform we had Lapwings and Black-tailed Godwits in their splendid brick red summer plumage. I caught sight of a dark wing going down behind a bush by the pools edge, I hoped it was one of the two Glossy Ibis that had been seen here earlier. Thankfully it didn't take long before one walked out followed by the second and through the 'scope we had good views.
Great White Egret - from Ham Wall Car Park © Nick Hull |
Over our break for lunch around the car park area with it's wildflower areas and the ponds we had Ringlet, Large Skipper and Speckled Wood butterflies and Red-eyed Damselfly and 4-Spot Chaser dragonfly. Swallows flew through and a Great White Egret came really close as it flew by. We then spent some time on Shapwick Heath, it was now really hot and the birds became very quiet but we did add Long-tailed Tit, Swift, Greylag Geese and Jay, just two were quick enough to see the Hobby as it dashed through!
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